What Is Seo?

ETAZ Web Art Solutions
7 min readMay 25, 2022


Search engine optimization

This is what you do to get more traffic to your website from search engines.

Google, for example, uses keywords in its web searches to find relevant websites. If there are many sites matching the keyword, Google will select those that have more pages or that have been around longer to determine which are reputable sites.

Keywords also help search engines better understand content (pages on your site), so that they can organize results efficiently.

Also called search engine optimizers, keyowrds give people a way to look up information via requests such as “find out about x” or “learn more about y.”

Search engines offer various tools to help businesses optimize their website for these queries.

For instance, if someone asks how to fix a leak when putting up a wall, Google knows to show them resources related to pipes and plumbing.

But back to our story…

By using keywords in online searches, users may be able to directly link to your page of interest. Words used in searches often include standard tags like brand name, company name, product names, and other business terms.

Keyword research helps experts categorize topics by topic, know the topics that most concern customers, and advertise new products and services through advertising.

Digital marketing

Search engine optimization is a digital marketing strategy that helps your website to rank higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. You can also call this process “seo”.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of putting tags into your website and posts so that the web browser (such as google) searches for you. When there is a query made by a user, the search results will show that site along with other sites that have linked to it using an html tag called .

These links help users who are not familiar with online searching, find other sites similar to the one they are looking at.

If someone has a question that only exists inside their head, coming up with a satisfying answer may be difficult. But with appropriate keywords, links, and content, people can easily find what they’re looking for without having to go too far to get it.

Make marketing strategies

Digital Marketing has many different methods to promote your business, one of them is known as “Seo” (an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization). Google Adwords are a form of Seo.

When you implement Googal Ads, you be displayed in google search results along with other advertisers bids. When there are more than 1 advertiser showing, the bid price is set so that it is always better to have the most selective traffic vs. broad traffic.

Broad no-value-added traffic is what Google Adwords offers by default when you do not select specific keywords or phrases before going into bid. This is why Microsoft outspends Amazon on advertising!

Test your website to see how search engines see it

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of web marketing. Your site’s SEO can either help or hurt the ranking of your website in searches.

To learn more about improving your website’s rankings, refer to our article on How To Boost Your Site’s Ranking In Search Results

There are two different tests you can do to determine if people are finding your content online. The first test verifies that other sites have articles containing your topic. By comparing your content with others in the field, you can make sure that someone else has already thought about your topic before.

The second test assesses whether users find your content easy to read and navigate. If they don’t, then maybe your design needs improvement.

Your website also needs to be informative and creative to draw readers into visiting your page. You want people seeking information on a particular topic to visit your webpage.

Use website data to optimize content

At its core, web optimization is about putting yourself in your user’s shoes. You want people to use your software or platform. But can they find what they are looking for? Does everything load fast? That’s one component of SEO.

But more important than that is whether or not the search engines like the site.

By having a good experience navigating the site, you improve their ranking.

There are many things you can do to increase your rank. For example, keeping the size of your font end low, so users have to scroll down to see it. Avoid fancy fonts; instead, look at comic strip-style fonts or create custom icons. More information on keywords helps too!

Plot twist: Users need to know how to navigate your site

This gets back to using website data to optimize content. If there is something new or different on your site, highlight it with navigation title tags and associated urls. When someone clicks on those links, they go to the corresponding pages, showing them what’s what.

It also lets visitors quickly understand the most common sections of your site. Including these in your top rankings gives searchers a quick idea of how to locate your page/material. This also has the added benefit of making all of your content found on the page easier to identify.

Focus on content

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the ranking of your website for keywords in the internet search engines.

The higher you rank, the more visitors you will get. With more visitors, you can offer hot dogs or ice cream at lower prices, because you will have larger crowds coming to buy them.

Here are all-important keywords players need to know: backlinks are links that refer to your site from other sites; web spiders help computers find relevant pages to show when a keyword is searched; and meta tags are HTML codes that give information about a page including what topic it is about and its popularity (or not).

Link building is the act of creating free articles on high-ranking websites and then agreeing with other companies to include your brand in those articles — so customers may choose to buy their products too.

Use relevant keywords in your content

Search engines place high value on quality content with relevant keywords, so optimizing your content for search is an important part of SEO. You should include key words in your posts, pages, links, and titles.

The more times you use them, the better. However, don’t make it over-the-top by stuffing every word with keywords. That will reduce readership/visitors to your site.

Instead, try to sprinkle in the right keyword about 20% of the time. That way people who find your content via search will be able to tell that you are using a keyword, but not dominate the text.

Use other digital marketing techniques

All right, you have decided to go for seo! Here are all the things you need to know about search engine optimization.

You will also learn which websites or blogs are giving good information about seo topics, so that you can find out more about this subject.

But firstly, let’s talk about the difference between online marketing and internet marketing.

Online marketing includes everything you do on the internet (what you read, who you follow, how often you blog, etc.), plus any phone calls or emails you may send during the day.

Internet marketing is just what you put up on the internet with hopes of attracting traffic. It consists of keywords, tags, linking, and posts designed to get ranked higher on keyword searches.

Web design is another branch of online marketing.

Most web designers also offer their services as consultants for website development.

Other areas of online marketing include social media management, taking advertising classes, and buying ads.

Know your audience

Any given company has an entire sales force behind it; know how they think, feel and interact with the brand you want to promote.

How do their products and services relate to the core values of the organization?

What are their pain points (if any)?

Are there other brands that have similar traction in the market?

Is there a gap in the market for their product or service?

Those are the Questions that You must Focus-On to elaborate an Ideal SEO for any website you Own.

These are the Main Tips for Your Success.

Post Created by: ETAZ Web Art Solutions

Sviluppo Siti Web Vetrina ed E-Commerce Professionali ad Alto Rendimento SEO.

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ETAZ Web Art Solutions
ETAZ Web Art Solutions

Written by ETAZ Web Art Solutions

Sviluppo siti web ed E-commerce ad Alto Rendimento SEO.

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